I can't remember the first time I saw The Nightmare Before Christmas but I do remember being completely enthralled by it from the very first few minutes.
I have always been a fan of Tim Burton anyway and I am probably one of the few people that think his version of Planet of the Apes is actually quite good ! But I digress.
The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my favourite films and I find myself going back to it time and time again to watch. It is magnificent in High Definition and I wanted to create a keepsake box that would do the film justice.
So here is my second keepsake box creation. It's quite a bit larger than my Toy Story box but that was deliberate because I wanted my next project to be BIG !
I had a lot of fun creating the gravestones and of course I couldn't forget one for Zero so his kennel is featured on one of the sides. I decided to keep the town background the same for all four sides but thought a varied range of gravestones would look really good.
Finishing the sides off are the essential bats that any self respecting Halloween Town would want and the lid is decorated with four rather lovely looking pumpkins.
This was a real labour of love for me and I am now busy working on another Pixar themed box so keep your eyes peeled for that.
This box is for sale via